University graduates who want to join a trainee programme to launch their professional careers are often spoilt for choice. At least in theory, but things often look different in practice. This is because many programmes only offer limited opportunities for professional development, lack exciting challenges and structured supervision or the chance to take on responsibility at an early stage. This was not the case for Lisa Sauerzapf: The young engineer started out as a trainee at thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe and has never looked back—quite the opposite.
After graduating with a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Lisa Sauerzapf dreamed of a seamless transition from her highly theoretical studies to professional practice. A trainee programme seemed like the perfect opportunity.
However, Lisa’s requirements for the ideal trainee programme were extensive: it had to be at an innovative and internationally successful company that also provides its trainees with targeted and individual support in their professional development. These are requirements that really test the limits of most trainee programmes.
“I was also specifically looking for a programme that dealt with lean management and process optimisation,” reports Lisa. The list of potential trainee programmes was growing shorter and shorter, but one company in particular stood out to the now 27-year-old.
“The job advert at thyssenkrupp was exactly what I was looking for,” Lisa recalls. “I was also excited about being able to work for such an international company. What finally won me over back then is what continues to win me over today: thyssenkrupp is an innovative, very future-orientated company that is constantly evolving.”
The trainee programme at thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe also promised a diverse and challenging environment. As a service provider for all aspects of materials processing and as a partner adding value to the automotive and other manufacturing industries, the company immediately fascinated Lisa.
Lisa applied to become a trainee in the Operational Excellence department, whose task is to continuously optimise operational performance and efficiency. And indeed, the young engineer impressed both her managers in this department and the HR department. She embarked on her great adventure in May 2022.
The trainee programme quickly proved to be a hit. “In my first two weeks, I was able to go on a business trip and familiarise myself with two sites,” says Lisa. “That was a great start, because I got to know a lot of my colleagues straight away and was able to get a good overview of the company. I also learnt about various business processes and the corporate culture at thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe very early on.”
Lisa was also impressed by the variety of courses for trainees, including presentation training and courses on change management, managing time and organisation, design thinking and “Scrum in a Nutshell”.
However, it was crucial that she was able to take on a lot of responsibility early on. “This allowed me to conduct training courses and lead workshops to train colleagues in lean methods and optimising processes right from the start. I was also able to take on the role of Product Owner on the thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe side as part of a project involving the development and introduction of new software.”
After one and a half years on the trainee programme, Lisa was taken on permanently as an Operational Excellence Manager on 1 November 2023. “The transition from the trainee programme to starting my career was very smooth, as I was systematically prepared for my future position in the Operational Excellence department at a very early stage,” Lisa reveals.
Would Lisa recommend a trainee programme at thyssenkrupp Materials Services to other graduates? “Yes, absolutely. Trainees are not just given very personalised support here but are also assigned a mentor who provides active support. The many training courses and seminars also play a decisive role. Furthermore, trainees can build up a great network and get valuable insights into other companies within the thyssenkrupp family by attending regular network meetings.”