“It’s what I’m passionate about” – a vocation found in creativity
When Theresa Loogen started at thyssenkrupp in 2017 many things were new for her, yet despite this, she felt connected to the company from the start.
After almost four years she changed divisions where she then discovered her great passion. Theresa has now found her vocation in employer branding and HR communication, and is particularly proud to be part of #GENERATIONTK.
Negotiating the works, cost estimates and quotes for clients, numerous administrative jobs – up until just over a year ago this was all part of Theresa Loogen’s daily work. Yet, with time, she felt that she wanted more than this alone and increasingly took the initiative to bring creativity into her work, including launching a monthly newsletter, which she was very happy to do. She wanted a new challenge, something creative. When, at the start of 2021, Theresa had to reorientate herself due to restructuring one thing was certain, “I want to stay at thyssenkrupp.”
A colleague suggested applying at the Employer Branding division at thyssenkrupp AG to her and the application was successful. “It was the best decision to start anew, despite the doubts I had in the beginning. My work used to be very administrative-based and now it is much more creative and this is exactly where my passion and strength lie,” she says, full of conviction.
Tradition and passion
Theresa wanted to stay with thyssenkrupp not only because she was familiar with the company’s structures but also because of her family: “I come from Duisburg and both my grandfathers, my father and my uncle all trained and worked at Krupp.” It’s in the blood!
“When I said that I had started to work at thyssenkrupp I could see my grandfather’s eyes light up,” recalls Theresa.
For them, the well-known name also represents a certain tradition and values which have, however, changed over time.
“thyssenkrupp is no longer the company my grandpa knew. The group has really changed and is much more future-orientated. Sustainability, for example, plays an important role today. However, the tradition-steeped history and establishment in the Ruhr Area is something which is associated with your own identity which is why you like to stay here.”
“I also like the brandblue,” she adds, with a laugh, something which is, of course, an advantage for her work in employer branding where her work focuses on thyssenkrupp as an employer. In this, focus on the #GENERATIONTK campaign is something which is particularly close to the young woman’s heart.
Theresa Loogen works with a lot of passion at thyssenkrupp's employer branding
Show the people behind thyssenkrupp
Her mission in employer branding is to strengthen the employer brand, to awaken people’s enthusiasm – internally as well as externally.
“We have many aims. We want to spread the spirit and, in doing so, ensure more networking and dialogue. Our employees are our greatest asset and distinguish the company and we therefore want to focus on them and present the people at thyssenkrupp.”
She has already been at several photoshoots and is really pleased to have got to know so many new people within the group of companies during this time. For the people, this is their daily work yet for Theresa it involves something special every time and shows the working culture at thyssenkrupp. Behind every person there is an exciting story waiting to be told.
“All the employees are really proud of working here and you can see this in every picture. This also, again, shows that the #GENERATIONTK really exists. It’s not only the campaign title but reality. Everyone is really enthusiastic about their work,” she says keenly.
Team spirit and diversity
This kind of work is also fulfilling for the communication expert. She particularly likes the team spirit and mutual trust. “We know that we can always approach one another at any time and that we all complement each other really well, like the cogs of a wheel.”
For her, #GENERATIONTK also signifies diversity, “It’s important to think outside the box and get to know, learn and accept other perspectives and adapt.” We can only learn from one another through honesty and joint work. According to Theresa, this honesty is also embodied in her team. “Fast, honest, efficient yet always with humour,” is how she sums up the work in the Employer Branding team.
The 31-year-old is more than happy with her move to a new division even though it wasn’t always easy getting here. “Sometimes it can be hard to change professionally but, in this, you should never forget: as one door closes another opens. I am grateful that my path led to me being here. It’s what I’m really passionate about and it’s a place in which I can fully develop.”