How professional diversity inspires innovative ideas
The TechCenter Control Technology in Munich is the birthplace of innovative digital solutions. The system solutions developed here make use of numerous elements of digitalization - such as mechatronics, simulation and data analysis.
A promising idea for a new product is often cause for a lot of enthusiasm. But the question is: Is the idea feasible? A simulation can answer questions of this kind before a lot of time and money is spent on production and identify weak points. Anyone in the thyssenkrupp group who wants to test the feasibility of an idea in this way goes to the research team at the TechCenter Control Technology in Munich.
Mega-project for emission reduction
One current project is Carbon2Chem, which aims to use steelmaking gases from steel production as a raw material for chemical products in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is a huge project involving numerous industrial partners such as BASF, Linde and Siemens, as well as research institutes, together with thyssenkrupp. For Carbon2Chem, the most diverse plant components have to be brought together: a steel plant, a power plant, gas purification, chemical plants, an electrolysis plant and many others.
Carbon2Chem turns emissions into valuable chemicals.
The experts at the TechCenter are working on a simulation for Carbon2Chem “This enables us to combine the various models of the plant components in one large simulation and thus to map the entire plant network,” explains mechanical engineer Jonas Grundler. Grundler and two of his colleagues are part of the simulation team. It is estimated that Carbon2Chem could be applicable on a large industrial scale around the year 2030.
A catalyst for digital transformation
The work of Grundler and his colleagues is a good example of the digital transformation that is currently being much discussed. Behind this lies the networking of universally accessible data, mathematical models and self-learning algorithms – but also new forms of cooperation in globally networked interdisciplinary teams with transparent, rapid decision-making processes.
Our experts from the TechCenter Munich develop innovative digital solutions.
The development team in Munich creates innovative system solutions in the fields of mechatronics, simulation and data analysis, using all elements of the digital world, starting with sensors and signal electronics at the beginning of the digital data chain, through algorithms for system optimization with artificial intelligence, to mathematical models of operating systems that communicate with each other via the cloud. Like all TechCenters in the thyssenkrupp Group, the team works in cross-sectional technologies to which every area of the Group has access.
How digital innovation enhances the performance of the elevator solution MULTI
For the electronics experts at the TechCenter, the “MULTI” project is another most important challenge. The idea is to allow several elevator cabs to run in just one shaft – without a rope. The Munich colleagues are responsible for the drive, sensors and control of the motion sequences. “We specify the motor and the associated power electronics.
The MULTI heralds a new era for the elevator industry with its vertical and horizontal travel direction.
That’s obvious, since we come from Transrapid technology. Like there, a linear drive is also used in the multi-elevator,” says electrical engineer Janos Jung, who has accompanied the project from the very beginning. But he and his colleagues also keep an eye on the latest technologies in power electronics and process electronics. “We always have to be on the cutting edge of technology so that we can propose a solution to difficult questions,” Jung knows.
The 20 or so researchers in the Control Technology TechCenter work in a modern, light-flooded office building in the north of the Bavarian capital. In good weather, the Alps are visible through the windows of the building. All relevant disciplines are represented on site – engineering sciences, physics, mathematics, computer science. There is an inspiring diversity: the best conditions for innovative thinking and visionary system solutions.