#bettertogether: Teaming up for mental health and resilience
Every year we take the opportunity of World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28 in particular to look closely at how we can work safer and healthier together at thyssenkrupp. The last two years have affected us in different ways and brought physical as well as mental health into our focus. It became clear that solidarity and team spirit among colleagues and a positive corporate culture are essential for our well-being.
thyssenkrupp employees from all over the world have joined #bettertogether to create work environments that support the physical and mental health of all employees working in our group of companies.
None of us is a robot, but rather we are people with feelings. At work as well as in our private lives. Nothing passes us by without leaving a trace. Besides private matters, the ongoing pandemic or political events around the world can influence our well-being. At thyssenkrupp, we foster a culture of open discourse and team support. For us, mental health and resilience are no empty buzzwords, but the basis for healthy collaboration. That is why we are sharing messages from our colleagues together with the hashtag #bettertogether to show how important empathy, respect, and team spirit are for the health and safety.
Messages from thyssenkrupp from all over the world:
“I see in our team a wealth of skills where one complements the other. We find synergy through respect, trust, affinity and diversity. All this is a fuel that motivates me to start every day positively and to make our work a great satisfaction.”
Valdirene de Paula, Administrative Assistant at thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies Brazil
“As a team we are strong! We are successful because we coordinate our work steps jointly and take care of each other. That works very well for us and we are proud of that.”
Pascal Roth, day shift foreman at thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe
“During the citywide lockdown of Shanghai in April 2022, the Shanghai team of RP China exchanges helpful information regarding pandemic control policy via WeChat on a daily basis. We also relieve mental stress and comfort each other on this virtual platform to get through the tough time TOGETHER. SHANGHAI, CHIN UP!”
April Song, General Manager of thyssenkrupp China Ltd. Shanghai Branch
“For me as a manager, it's very important that my team sticks together. We have to get along well and be able to rely on each other. Having fun at team events brings us even closer together. This also strengthens cooperation in everyday work!”
Róbert Kunos, department leader of System and Vehicle Dynamics at thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft.
To strengthen this cooperation even more, Róbert Kunos sometimes even gets creative. Last December, he gave his team a 1,000-piece puzzle. Each of the eight resource managers in the team got a package of 125 pieces. The goal: to complete the puzzle together as a team building measure, as quickly as possible.
Promoting occupational health in daily life
We're taking the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28 as an opportunity to spread the message behind #bettertogether. However, support, solidarity, and empathy need to be lived out in everyday life so that we all feel healthy, safe and comfortable in our workplaces. Therefore: listen to each other; be open-minded and tolerant, so that no one feels left alone. Because in the end, we are simply #bettertogether.