Meaghan’s way to thyssenkrupp: the passionate fighter against cystic fibrosis
Whether you are a trained engineer, a purposeful multi-talent or a motivated career changer – if you are passionate, there is always a place for you in our #teamtk. To breathe life into this statement, some of our colleagues tell you about their way to thyssenkrupp. One of them: Meaghan Addante. She is the perfect example of how passion can move mountains.
I was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) when I was seven months old. Still, I had a great childhood; I was able to go to school, play sports, and spend time with my friends. But I had more to do than my friends – such as nebulized masks, physiotherapy and taking handfuls of pills every day. My serious problems because of CF began when I was 18. I began spending weeks at a time in hospital receiving IV antibiotics with little or no improvement.
Meaghan was already diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as a baby. After having a very happy childhood, the impact of the incurable metabolic disease became worse and worse, forcing her to completely change her life
In 2013, CF proved just how frightening it can be – as I unexpectedly went into respiratory failure at 21 years old. I spent 75 days in the hospital (40 in ICU). I was in a coma for 15 days and once I woke up, I found myself having to learn everything again: how to walk, talk, eat and drink without the use of machines. It was after that hospital admission that I decided it was my responsibility to share my story and use my pain and struggle as motivation.
New ways to raise money and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis Canada
I was lucky enough to have someone see something in me and extend a wonderful opportunity. The former CEO of thyssenkrupp Elevator in Canada, Ryan Wilson, contacted me with a plan. It was time for the company to start giving back to the communities that support us and he had a specific charity in mind: Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
My job title is ‘Community Events Coordinator.’ I have the unique opportunity to dedicate my time thinking of new ways to raise money and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis Canada. I work with all branches across Canada in a support role to all their fundraising endeavors. I get to spend time raising funds and awareness for a cause that is so close to my heart. It has been humbling and an honor.
250,000 Dollar raised in two years to help fight cystic fibrosis
I love waking up every morning knowing my job today is to try and bring us one step closer to ending CF. Every dollar we raise at thyssenkrupp could be that last dollar needed to discover that cure or control for CF. It is surreal to think of how many incredible things I have had the chance to do because of this job. If I could have any job in the world, this would be it. I’m literally living my dream.
At thyssenkrupp, Meaghan Addante found not only a new employer but a second family
Our grand total raised from our 2017 and 2018 fundraising years was $250,000. That is a number I never thought would be possible and still gives me chills thinking about. It makes me so excited for our future. With results like these, it is hard not to believe that a cure or control for this disease will be found.
My colleagues accept me, for me
The thing I value the most about my team at thyssenkrupp is acceptance. For the first time in my life, I am not being penalized for having CF, but rather I am embraced for it. Whether it is because I’m not well enough to go into the office every day and have to work from home or helping me when I’m in the office. They just accept me, for me. I don’t feel like I’m being judged or looked down upon and I am grateful every day.
With Meaghan in the lead, thyssenkrupp started the charity tournament “Puck CF” in 2018. Breaking thyssenkrupp’s fundraising charity records for a single project, the event collected 40,000 dollars to fight Cystic Fibrosis
They are all always ready to help when needed. No matter how busy their own schedules get, they still make time to either help with or participate in fundraising events we are doing. Everyone is open-minded and up to the challenge of trying something new! I have seen how hard everyone works to not only better themselves, but the people around them. thyssenkrupp is a company that continues to grow at a rapid rate as vertical transportation is becoming more and more popular. There is always room for future growth and reaching new heights in your own career.
No plans of stopping the fight against cystic fibrosis
I feel as though I am a changed person since I began my journey with thyssenkrupp. When I first started, I was almost ashamed to talk about having CF. Today, I have accomplished more than I ever dreamed of and have no plans of stopping. I often wondered if I would ever find my place in the world where I belonged, and I now know that I am exactly where I am meant to be. All because of CF.
If you want to support Meaghan and others in their fight against cystic fibrosis, please visit for more information.