#BackToWork: Returning to the plant after the Corona lockdown
COVID-19 left a significant mark on Italy – especially the North of the country was highly affected by the Corona virus outbreak. Now, that the numbers of new infections are going down; countries across Europe are cautiously lifting the lockdown. Our colleagues at thyssenkrupp Berco are also ramping up production again. Slowly, with utmost caution, and strict hygiene regiments a first step towards normality is made at Berco Italy by starting production again.
Dilauro Coletta and Paolo Gambarin are both working at thyssenkrupp Berco plants in Northern Italy. They shared their views and feelings about their return to the plant with us. What will everyday work look like with the thread of the virus still around and why it is important to ramp up the production at this particular time?
Regaining a piece of routine and normality after Corona lockdown
“Honestly, I am looking forward to a little bit of normality again since the spread of the virus,” Dilauro Coletta, toolmaker team lead at Berco’s milling and drilling department states his view on returning to the plant.
Dilauro Coletta is glad to return to work after weeks of being at home during the lockdown, tells us the specialist for milling and drilling in a personal interview.
For Paolo Gambarin, expert for rollers machining, returning to work at the plant also bears a sense of empowerment during the pandemic – simply by having something to do and spending less time pondering on the crisis: “I like to go back to a normal routine and above all the idea that by working you can get out of the crisis. It’s nice to feel part of the solution to the crisis. “
The necessity of ramping up production at Berco Italy
Dilauro Coletta explains to us, why further downtime could be harmful for the Berco plants and their employees: “We want to go back to the production plant in order to keep the workplace of ourselves and our colleagues as unaffected by the pandemic as possible.”
Paolo Gambarin, rollers machining expert, is convinced that returning to a daily work routine helps everybody at the plant to deal with the Corona pandemic in a better and more balanced way.
Even though it is important to start production back up, safety and health precautions need to remain the top priority at the moment: “We stick to wearing masks, gloves as well as using hand-disinfectant. When it comes to socializing and working together, we are keeping a distance of 1,5 meters to each other at all times,” Paolo Gambarin explains.
The team surrounding the HR-Director Alida Malatrasi had started as early as February 2020 to implement safety measures to prevent the Corona virus from spreading and developed a detailed action plan for workers at the plant before and after the lockdown. These early measures and a great portion of luck have kept all 1,700 employees physically unaffected by the virus, so far. We say thank you to the HR-Team with their proactive and quick response to the pandemic as well as to the workers on the plant who take the strict rules very seriously and perform with utmost care for the good of the entire team at Berco Italy.