Markus Grolms
Personal data
Year of birth: 1971
Place of birth: Wesel
Nationality: German
- High school leaving certificate (“Abitur”)
- Degree in social psychology, political science and law from the FernUniversität Hagen
- Training as a Transcend method mediator, incl. with Johan Galtung
- Traineeship - IG Metall Executive Committee
- Pilkington Flachglas Automotive - glass worker
- Siemens Mobile/subsequently BenQ Mobile - Quality Assessor
- IG Metall Executive Committee - trainee
- IG Metall NRW district management - Project Secretary
- IG Metall Executive Committee/branch office - Political Secretary
- IG Metall Executive Committee - Secretary works policy/works constitution department
Membership of statutory Supervisory Boards in Germany
- thyssenkrupp AG (since 2009, appointed until 2019)