Dr. Lothar Steinebach
Personal data
Year of birth: 1948
Place of birth: Wiesbaden
Nationality: German
1969-1974 Studied law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz Degree: First State Examination in Law
1977 Second State Examination in Law at Wiesbaden
1977-1978 Studied American law at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor/USA
LL.M. Master of Laws degree
1982 Doctorate in law (Dr. jur.)
1979-1980 Research assistant at the Institute for International and Comparative Law, University of Cologne
1980-1989 Various positions in the legal department of Henkel KGaA
1989-1995 Vice president in the legal department of Henkel KGaA responsible for: USA/ Canada/ Licenses/ Merger Control/ Research Partnerships
1995-2003 Corporate Vice President, Finance/Controlling, Henkel KGaA
2003-2007 Member of the Management Board of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, responsible for Finance (Chief Financial Officer)
2007-2012 Member of the Management Board of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, responsible for Finance (Chief Financial Officer)/ Purchasing/ IT/ Legal
Membership of statutory Supervisory Boards in Germany
thyssenkrupp AG (since 2013, appointed until 2018) *)
Carl Zeiss AG
*) listed company
Membership of comparable control bodies
Diem Client Partner AG/Switzerland (Member of the Board of Directors)