Products and solutions Sep 9, 2003 2:00 AM
Weight is decisive
ThyssenKrupp Federn develops heavy-duty tubular stabilizer bars
Average vehicle weights have risen by approx. 24% since 1978. In the same period of time, classic chassis components have become consistently lighter. Where tubular stabilizer bars have only been used individually in the past, vehicle manufacturers` new lightweight construction concepts require the use of tubular stabilizers. A further weight reduction is realizable through the use of these tubular stabilizers. Depending on the construction principle, the weight saving can be between 35% and 55%.
Picture: Chart
Copyright: ThyssenKrupp Automotive
ThyssenKrupp Federn set up a project team two years ago to develop tubular stabilizer bars. The development effort included product, process and materials benchmarking. In the benchmarking of materials, light metal models made of titanium and aluminum among others were compared with solid and tubular stabilizers made of steel. The material performance values were also established and the production equipment designed. Around 1,000 tubes were processed and investigated, 600 prototypes produced and approx. 250 prototypes were tested dynamically.
Picture: Chart
Copyright: ThyssenKrupp Automotive
Depending on requirements, both normal and heavy-duty tubular stabilizers can be used. There are also different kinds of heavy-duty tubular stabilizers. The maximum possible weight reduction can be achieved with varied tube cross sections; while the weight reduction is logically lower where constant tube cross sections are used. The varied tube cross sections are achieved using suitable forming processes. While a material strength of 1500 MPa is sufficient for normal-duty tubular stabilizers, 1900 MPa is necessary for heavy-duty ones. Such high levels of strength make the highest possible demands of tube construction, surface quality and material properties.
Picture: ThyssenKrupp Federn develops heavy-duty tubular stabalizer bars.
Copyright: ThyssenKrupp Automotive
ThyssenKrupp Federn has succeeded in developing heavy-duty tubular stabilizer bars in the shortest possible development time through targeted project management and focusing on what can be achieved. Our customers have rewarded this commitment. ThyssenKrupp Federn will start production of heavy-duty tubular stabilizers in the second quarter of 2004.
ThyssenKrupp Automotive AG
Viktor Braun
Tel.: +49 / 234 / 919 - 60 12
Fax: +49 / 234 / 919 - 60 14