Products and solutions Feb 17, 2003 1:00 AM
Universities: Triaton is number one in system management
Triaton, the IT service provider of ThyssenKrupp Serv AG, has entered into state contracts to provide the universities of the states Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia with IBM-Tivoli licenses, maintain these licenses and render supplementary consulting services. These two contracts have made Triaton the number one independent system management provider in the German university arena.
"In the coming weeks and months, we will do everything within our power to continue to extend our leading position into other German states as well as neighboring countries with flexible contract arrangements that accommodate the respective state and university`s specific circumstances. Our `purchasing cooperative` model for universities is designed so that license price discounts are at a level that not even the biggest business enterprises can attain", explains Dr. Peter Chylla, Chairman of the Managing Board Triaton GmbH and managing board of ThyssenKrupp Serv AG.
Despite numerous measures to consolidate and develop standard procedures, for the most part, the deployment of IT is nonuniform among the individual states` universities. Distributed sites, continuously changing users, university administrations and above all a large number of departments that have very different IT requirements is what characterizes the IT landscape at many universities. Through the use of IBM-Tivoli software, the universities expect an increase in the efficiency of the heterogeneous IT infrastructure, better and extended functions for the users and the ability to react more flexibly to the users` needs.
Thanks to the convergence of the former Thyssen, Krupp, Hoesch and Hoechst groups` IT service providers` very different IT landscapes, Triaton has gained and continuously developed its expertise in the system management area. In addition, the IT service provider has broad experience with continuous industrial production processes at customer plants of every size. "This always requires us to be very exacting; to provide industrial process quality in the operation of computers, applications and networks. We already introduced system management software in the early 90s. Our close partnership with IBM came about as a result of this experience. Using , we worked together to develop solutions for companies of all sizes that meet all modern system management criteria," explains Dr. Peter Chylla.
With , Triaton offers more than just the pure Tivoli software. An own consulting organization advises customers with respect to network and system management, implements these IT solutions and is the only German service provider to render 1st and 2nd level support for its customers worldwide. But individual components of this service portfolio are just as useable as the "management service providing" outsourcing offer.
Triaton - The BusinessProcessor
The Triaton GmbH, headquartered in Krefeld, is a company of the ThyssenKrupp Serv AG and among the leading international IT service providers. The company is active worldwide and has ca. 2,200 employees domestically and abroad. The company generated around 364 million euro in revenues in the fiscal year 2001/02. Triaton`s aim is to support industrial companies` leap into the eConomy through holistic (plan, build, run) accompaniment of all business processes.
The company offers its customers solutions in the sense of one-stop shopping: consulting, eBusiness solutions for their core business processes and outsourcing services for their secondary business processes. Solutions such as business intelligence (BI), customer relationship management (CRM), document management, enterprise application integration (EAI), EDI/Web-EDI, eSales, eProcurement, portals, enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM) as well as system management belong to its service portfolio. With over 500 operated systems, the company is one of Europe`s largest SAP service providers.
The company stems from the IT units of Thyssen, Krupp, Hoesch and Hoechst and, thanks to this history, has many years of industrial experience. Triaton addresses clear market segments within industry and is familiar with the complex IT requirements in the automotive, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and metal/paper/wood segments
Dieter Remy
ThyssenKrupp Serv
Phone: +49-211-967 5374
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