Company News Sep 11, 2015 2:42 PM
ThyssenKrupp is to offer additional jobs for refugees. Over the next two years the Group will create around 150 apprenticeships, some 230 internships and further positions for skilled workers and graduates at various German subsidiaries. “Work is an engine for integration. Training and jobs offer people the opportunity to build a life in Germany through their own efforts. Our employees are providing direct assistance to refugees at many ThyssenKrupp locations. That’s great. Alongside that, a secure job is the best way for people looking to stay here permanently to integrate successfully,” said Oliver Burkhard, Chief Human Resources Officer of ThyssenKrupp AG. “The history of the Ruhr proves this. Through the region’s industry, families from a wide variety of countries have found their home here,” he continued. In North Rhine-Westphalia alone, ThyssenKrupp employs people from 114 nations.
The additional internships, apprenticeships and positions for skilled workers and graduates will be created at ThyssenKrupp locations throughout Germany over the next two years. “It is good that the Group Works Council and Executive Board have taken this joint initiative to give people fleeing from war and suffering an opportunity with ThyssenKrupp. Now it is down to the government to offer additional measures such as language courses to remove the obstacles to starting with the company,” said Wilhelm Segerath, Chairman of the ThyssenKrupp AG Group Works Council.
Especially for young refugees, training is key to finding work and integrating into society. ThyssenKrupp has a tradition of showing solidarity in this regard. For decades the Group has been offering apprentice training beyond its own needs in structurally weaker regions and has extensive experience of integrating young people who are not yet ready for an apprenticeship. For example, integration courses aimed at getting youngsters fit for apprentice training have been on offer for around 15 years. Local personnel departments can integrate young refugees coming to Germany into this scheme. The Group companies at which additional jobs can be created will be contacting institutions, cities and municipalities in the coming weeks with a view to identifying applicants.