Company News, Capital market-relevant press releases Sep 2, 2019 3:40 PM
thyssenkrupp successfully issues 2nd bond in the current fiscal year with a volume of 1 billion Euro
thyssenkrupp AG today successfully issued a 1 billion Euro bond with a maturity of 3.5 years under the company’s 10 billion Euro Debt Issuance Programme. Joint bookrunners are Citi, Commerzbank, Crédit Agricole CIB, Deutsche Bank, Santander und UniCredit Bank. The bond carries a coupon of 1.875 percent p.a. at an issue price of 99.633 percent.
With the bond issue, which attracted great interest from investors, thyssenkrupp took advantage of the favorable market environment and further strengthened its liquidity position.
Twitter: @thyssenkrupp
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