Products and solutions Nov 22, 2007 11:00 AM
ThyssenKrupp Steel opens new construction element plant in Hungary
On November 22, 2007, ThyssenKrupp Építöelemek, a company of ThyssenKrupp Steel AG’s Construction group, opened a plant for steel sandwich elements in Felsölajos, around 60 kilometers from Budapest. Producing around 1.2 million square meters of steel sandwich elements a year, the plant will supply customers not only in Hungary but also in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia. The investment volume for the new production site amounts to eight million euros.
With this investment, ThyssenKrupp Steel aims to meet the rapidly growing demand for steel sandwich elements in the construction industry in Central and Eastern Europe. “We forecast annual growth rates of ten percent for sandwich products up to the year 2012 and aim to achieve a 15% market share,” said Dr. Jost A. Massenberg, Executive Board member of ThyssenKrupp Steel AG, at a press conference held at the opening of the plant.
Steel sandwich elements consist of two steel face sheets firmly bonded with a rigid polyurethane foam core. The products are used for industrial and commercial buildings, office and administration buildings, parking garages, public buildings, gymnasiums, power plants and cold storage facilities. The construction elements offer outstanding thermal insulation and low weight. Available in various profiles and with a wide range of colored and functional coatings, the products meet the most demanding architectural requirements.
ThyssenKrupp Építöelemek will process coated flat-rolled steel supplied by ThyssenKrupp Steel’s German operations. Its product range comprises ems cold room panels, Hoesch Thermowand thermal wall elements, Hoesch Thermodach thermal roof elements and Hoesch Isowand wall panels. The company has already been operating successfully as a sales company for construction elements in Hungary for twelve years and currently employs 30 people.