Company News May 18, 2010 11:00 AM
ThyssenKrupp Schulte opens new flame cutting center in Bielefeld
Three gas and three plasma cutting machines with three finishing bays and a blasting unit provide enough capacities to serve customers on a just-in-time basis. The flame cutting center has a maximum annual capacity of 22,000 tons. Its main customers are structural steel fabricators, equipment manufacturers, producers of agricultural machinery, truck manufacturers and the offshore sector.
The new flame cutting center consists of one new building and two redeveloped existing buildings, with a total floor space of 7,480 square meters. With the new building and the restructuring tonnage per year was increased by 40 per cent.
The Bielefeld flame cutting center offers a particularly wide range of processing capabilities, reflecting increasing demand from customers for finished parts that they can fit directly in their assembly lines.
One important aspect in this, particularly with heavier plate, is weld preparation. The new center has facilities for (simple) linear grinding or cutting and (complex) contour cutting by robots. Straightening and roll bending are also possible. Flame-cut blanks can also be bent, drilled or milled according to customer requirements. As a final step the parts undergo surface treatment in a specially designed blasting machine.
Facilities are also available for repair welding.