Ad Hoc Releases Nov 14, 2000 1:00 AM
ThyssenKrupp on the right track (Adjustment to strategic realignment )
At the end of the 2nd fiscal year after the merger, the Executive Board takes stock as follows:
In the fiscal year ended September 30, 2000, earnings before taxes and minority interest increased significantly by more than 60% to around euro 1 billion, following euro 0.6 billion a year earlier. The Executive Board expects earnings to increase further in the current fiscal year to over euro 1.3 billion. This encouraging earnings trend proves that ThyssenKrupp is on the right track and has realized the first successes of the merger.
The Executive Board has adjusted its strategy to reflect the changing environment. In the future ThyssenKrupp as a focused Group will be active in three main areas: Steel, Capital Goods and Services. The six segments Steel, Automotive, Elevators, the new segment Invest, Materials, and Serv will be run directly by ThyssenKrupp AG and will be further developed in line with their specific particularities under an active portfolio management program.