Company News Feb 1, 2010 11:00 AM
ThyssenKrupp hosting 45th final of Jugend forscht ("young people researching")
The German competition Jugend forscht (“young people researching”) is again underway. Under the motto Discover New Worlds, the 45th final of Germany’s best-known competition for up-and-coming talent is taking place in Essen in 2010. For the third time now, ThyssenKrupp is hosting a nationwide competition during which this year young researchers, jury members and guests will be getting together at the Messe und Philharmonie Essen from May 13 to 16.
The competition is subdivided into seven disciplines: the world of work, biology, chemistry, geo and space sciences, mathematics/informatics, physics and engineering. To be won are cash prizes, research stays, study trips, and there is also the incentive of making many contacts.
“We all know that only well-trained people with a sense of responsibility will be able to cope with the global challenges. Ideas and innovations are indispensable for our country. It has been and it still is the engineers, technicians and natural scientists that come up with innovative products. This applies quite especially to Germany, a nation whose future decisively depends on knowledge and technology. And so for decades now we have been assisting in the organizing of the regional events of this competition. The enthusiasm and creativity of the youngsters has over many years proven just how important it is to promote this involvement, “ emphasizes Ralph Labonte, Labor Director on the Board of ThyssenKrupp and the Group’s sponsoring representative at this year’s final of Jugend forscht.
Regional competitions held in Dortmund, Duisburg, and the Saarland
In 2010, the ThyssenKrupp Group has taken on sponsorship for three regional/state competitions:
・ In Dortmund on February 9 the regional competition of ThyssenKrupp AG and the Federal Agency for Occupational Safety and Industrial Medicine at the German Occupational Safety and Health (DASA) exhibition.
・ On February 25 at the invitation of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, the young researchers will be presenting themselves to a jury at the Duisburg-Hamborn Education Center.
・ From March 1 to 3, ThyssenKrupp Drauz Nothelfer is hosting the state competition Schoolchildren Experimenting in the Saarland.
Background info
Youngsters up to the age of 21 are eligible to participate in Jugend forscht. The younger boys and girls must in their year of registration be at least in their 4th school class while university students may only register in their first year of study. Of the over 10,000 young researchers participating in the current round, just under five percent are apprentices.
The winners of the regional competitions move on to the Land or state level in February where the winners go through to the national final round in May. At all three levels, numerous sponsors and prize donators ensure that cash prizes, research stays and study trips together worth over €900,000 can be awarded.
The submissions are rated by jurors from the worlds of science, business, and education. In fact at the end of the day there are only winners since even those participants not gaining a place, can still establish valuable contacts with experts and benefit from sharing ideas with their peers.
For further information (German only) go to the home page of the Jugend forscht e.V. foundation at or ThyssenKrupp AG’s website [[] under Commitment/Society/Education/Partner for “Jugend forscht”