Products and solutions Dec 2, 2005 1:42 PM
ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Bausysteme: Keeping warm down under
ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Bausysteme GmbH is currently doing good business in Australia: an increasing sensitivity to fire prevention is causing Australian architects and building owners to order their heat-insulating wall and facade elements from the company's plant in Kreuztal/Germany, even though this involves a five-week period for shipment.
For example, ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Bausysteme has already supplied 2,500 square meters of facade elements for the extension to the international passenger terminal at Melbourne International Airport. This is part of a 220 million dollar airport expansion program currently being undertaken by Australia's second-largest city with the aim of upgrading the airport infrastructure so as to be able to handle growing passenger numbers and in particular the requirements of the new Airbus 380. The first phase of the project is scheduled for completion by February 2006.
The ground floor of the international terminal is being extended and an upper floor added. ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Bausysteme has supplied 1,500 square meters of its isowand vario® wall elements for the upper floor, while 1,000 square meters of isorock® wall elements are being used for the ground floor extension. The isowand elements were supplied with an advanced PIR hard foam core, which delivers the same heat insulation as the classic PUR hard foam but also offers improved fire protection properties. In Germany, isorock® wall elements with rock wool core are classified as non-combustible building materials.
Traditionally, heat-insulating steel construction elements are made in Australia with a polystyrene insulating layer. But more and more insurance companies are insisting on the use of elements with PUR or PIR cores, which can resist fire far longer than readily inflammable polystyrene. However, Australia has no domestic producers of such construction elements.
That's why the owners of the Midland Gate office building project in Perth have also ordered 3,000 square meters of isowand integral® from ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Bausysteme. The entire facade of the two-part office complex will be made from these elements. Contracts for deliveries for further projects are expected to be concluded soon.
The PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) coatings available on request for construction elements from ThyssenKrupp Hoesch Bausysteme are proving an additional advantage on the Australian market. These high-grade paints are particularly resistant to the high UV radiation levels in Australia and retain their shine for many years. The elements for both Melbourne Airport and the Midland Gate project in Perth were supplied with PVDF coatings.
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