Company News May 30, 2001 2:00 AM
ThyssenKrupp EnCoke successful in China
From the China Shougang International Trade & Engineering Corporation with headquarters in Peking the Bochum-based ThyssenKrupp EnCoke GmbH has received the contract to design and construct a plant for the removal of hydrogen sulphide and ammonia from coke oven gas as well as a Claus plant for the production of sulphur. The location of both new plants is the Shougang steel works on the outskirts of Peking.
The quantity of gas to be treated in the new plants amounts to 43,600 m3/h (normal conditions), whereby a gas purity of hydrogen sulphide of 0.2 g/m3 and of ammonia of 30 mg/m3 is to be achieved. The sulphur to be produced in the new Claus plant is to show a degree of purity of 99.8%.
For ThyssenKrupp EnCoke the contract includes the basic- and a part of the detailed engineering as well as the provision of the metering and control technology and some of the important major pieces of equipment. Supervision of the installation and commissioning also form part of the contract. The total value of the contract for ThyssenKrupp EnCoke amounts to more than euro10 million.
Preparatory work for the contract has already started at ThyssenKrupp EnCoke and construction work is to start in 12 months` time. Acceptance of the new plants by the client should take place at the Shougang steel works after a further 12 months.
For ThyssenKrupp EnCoke this contract is further proof of its considerable competence and know-how in the field of coke oven gas treatment. Only recently the enlargement and modernisation of the gas treatment plant at the steel works at Taranto in Italy was successfully carried out within the envisaged time scale for the client ILVA Laminati Piani S.p.A - part of the RIVA group.
About ThyssenKrupp EnCoke
Bochum-based ThyssenKrupp EnCoke GmbH was formed in 1999 through the merger of the two large German companies Thyssen and Krupp. It is an engineering enterprise concentrating on turnkey steel and iron and environmental protection installations. The focus is on coke and energy technology.
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