Company News Sep 16, 2010 7:04 PM
ThyssenKrupp, Abu Dhabi MAR and the Greek government have reached agreement
ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, Abu Dhabi MAR and the Greek government have reached agreement on the wording for the contracts regarding the implementation of the framework agreement. “This is an important stage on the path to an overall solution for Hellenic Shipyards in Skaramangas,” said the Greek Minister of Defence Evangelos Venizelos. “However, further steps still need to be taken before the contract can come into effect,” said Iskandar Safa, Chairman of the Management Board of Abu Dhabi MAR. As a next step the contract is to be ratified by the Greek Parliament and afterwards to be signed by the parties. “It is our aim to provide Hellenic Shipyards with long-term employment prospects”, said Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien, Chairman of the Board of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AG.