Products and solutions Oct 26, 2004 2:00 AM
Software support for plate welders: ProWeld Version 5.0
ProWeld is a software program developed by the Heavy Plate profit center of ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG to support users in welding plate steels. The program runs under Windows and is now available in an even more user-friendly version 5.0 containing additional functions incorporating the latest findings of research at ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG.
The program is based on the concept of cooling time t8/5 developed at ThyssenKrupp Stahl and on the CET concept for calculating the carbon equivalent. The cooling time t8/5 is the time it takes for the weld seam and the heat-affected zone, i.e. the area of the material which is also heated during welding, to cool from 800 to 500°Celsius. This describes the influence of the temperature gradient during welding on the properties of the weld metal and the material properties in the heat-affected zone. The CET concept makes it possible to determine how the material should be preheated in order to avoid cold cracks during welding.
ProWeld users don`t need to know the complicated formulae themselves but can let the computer do the work for them. Via entry screens, the steel grades and plate thicknesses to be joined and the filler metal are set. Welding methods and weld shapes can be selected from a list, with ProWeld supplying the values for thermal efficiency and the weld seam factors. Using these data, ProWeld automatically calculates recommendations for preheat and interpass temperature and heat input during welding. The results, including tolerances, are presented graphically in the form of an allowable work envelope for welding. In a further graphic, ProWeld presents the influence of cooling time t8/5 on maximum hardness in the heat-affected zone, showing for example the minimum cooling time needed to limit hardening of the material.
The new functions offered by ProWeld 5.0 in addition to improved graphics include automatic calculation of the weld seam factor for fillet welds as a function of heat input and plate thickness, and estimated cooling times for fillet welds in plates of different thickness. Another new feature is calculation of the cooling time for manual arc welds based on the run-out ratio. ProWeld can be obtained on a CD-ROM free of charge from the Heavy Plate profit center of ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG.
Dietmar Stamm
Phone: +49 203 / 52 - 2 62 67
Fax: +49 203 / 52 - 2 57 07
Bernd Overmaat
Phone: +49 203 / 52 - 4 51 85
Fax: +49 203 / 52 - 2 57 07