Products and solutions Mar 23, 2001 1:00 AM
ReEncryption – Safety for your documents
On March 23, 2001, TKIS Document Services, Essen, presented on the CeBIT fair in Hanover an IT-solution which provides the integrity of data, prevents abuse and safeguards files against illegal distribution. The system is called ReEncryption. It was thoroughly tested by IT-security experts ReEncryption can be used in all contexts which require a high level of security and - above all - need an unbroken document tracking.
The system offers protection from industrial espionage. Furthermore, it makes the manual tracking of documents unnecessary. Clients who use ReEncryption therefore not only save their files but also save money by reducing administrative efforts.
Authorization of users, encoded storage, exchange of multimedia data and documents as well as document tracking are the core functionalities of the system. A further decisive component is the key center, which is responsible for producing and storing cryptographical keys. It is also the central component to track and control the use of data.
ReEncryption is integrated in document management and archiving management systems. The authorized user does not take any notice of the application. ReEncryption can be run on all PCs which are based on Windows NT 4.0.
Documents and data are placed on content servers. They are based on a Standard MS-ODBC database interface and offer a flexible architecture. The new solution can be used within small intranets as well as on Data Management Systems operating on a world-wide basis.
Mitsubishi Corporation developed the cryptographical process, TKIS Document Services integrated the application into document management and archiving systems.
Mitsubishi Corporation is one of the world`s most diverse enterprises. Divided into seven business groups ranging from New Business Initiative and IT Systems & Services through to Energy, Metals, Machinery, Chemicals and Living Essentials, Mistubishi Corporation is uniquely positioned to exploit synergies from the Old and New Economics.
TKIS Document Services is a company of the ThyssenKrupp Information Services Group, one of the leading international system companies. It offers complete solutions for document services, which are efficient and of high quality. They range from producing, translating managing and archiving documents. Included in a broad outsourcing concept, the portfolio enables the client to concentrate on his core business. eBusiness applications and a number of ASP solutions furthermore offer the opportunity to control the execution of ousourced services at TKIS Document Services and to accompany the performance until it is finished.
Contact at TKIS Document Services:
Gerhard Freibott
TKIS Document Services GmbH
Managing director
Theodor-Althoff-Straße 1
45133 Essen
Tel.: + 49 (0)2151-83 191 44
Fax: +49 (0)2151-83 191 43
Mobil: +49(0)171-3042165