Company News Aug 28, 2007 11:00 AM
Production-materials service provider Ferostav spol. s.r.o. acquired in Slovakia
Founded in 1996, the company presently has a workforce of around 200 that in 2006 generated sales of about €95 million. Ferostav is the third biggest steel trader in Slovakia and has nine locations including in Bratislava, Nove Zamky, Trnava and Martin. The company specializes in services for steel sheet/plate, reinforcing steel, steel bars and rods, structural and sectional steel, H-beams, and pipes and tubes. Its clients are located particularly in the construction and mechanical engineering industries.
“The takeover complements our successful C&E European operations and represents another dynamic step toward market penetration and the extension of our product and services lineup,” states Joachim Limberg, Deputy CEO ThyssenKrupp Services and CEO of ThyssenKrupp Materials International. “This will allow us to weave an ever closer distribution network so that we can serve our customers even more quickly and efficiently.” ThyssenKrupp Services already operates companies in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine.