Products and solutions Feb 26, 2004 1:00 AM
New Orders for Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH
On wednesday 24th of February at 19.00 h, the container ship PERU was floated into dock 10 of Blohm + Voss GmbH, a company of ThyssenKrupp Werften. The ship, which is owned by the shipping line Schepers & Co. in Elsfleth and classified by Germanischer Lloyd, has a length of 207.40 m, a width of 29.80 m and a displacement of 33,014 GRT. The work to be carried out includes work on the sterntube seal, repair of the ship`s skin (approx. 1 t of steel) and the replacement of the bow thruster.
On March 20, the BANASA, a combined passenger/car ferry of the shipping line Comarit of Morocco, is scheduled to arrive. With a length of 115.35 m, a width of 20.60 m and a displacement of 11,668 TDW, the BANASA is classified by Bureau Veritas. To improve the stability of the ship, sponsons will be attached on port and starboard and a so-called duck tail will be attached to the aft. Sponsons are boxes attached to the ship`s sides and often called "hamster cheeks". The work will be completed after about four weeks.
The BERKANA, also owned by Comarit, will be docked from May to June at Blohm + Voss Repair. In addition to the installation of a sprinkler system in the passenger and crew area, sponsons and a duck tail will be mounted as on the BANASA. The BERKANE has a length of 155.02 m, a width of 24.02 m and a displacement of 20,079 TDW.
In December 2003, Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH, a company active both on the national and international market, received the certified IMS, an Integrated Management System covering the areas quality, safety and environmental protection as well as risk analysis. With this certificate, Blohm + Voss Repair proves that modern shipyard industry is able to observe the most stringent environmental regulations meeting all work safety regulations in an economic way.
This IMS certificate combines the standards of the following three rules and regulations forming a modern management system:
- ISO 9001: 2000, Quality management systems
- ISO 14001: 1996 - Environment management systems
- OHSAS 18001: 1999 - Work safety management systems
Blohm + Voss Repair GmbH
Public Relations
Andrea Wessel
Tel.: +49 40 3119-1320
Fax: +49 40 3119-3329
E-Mail: Andrea.Wessel@tkt-blohm.thyssenkrupp