Products and solutions Oct 7, 2008 3:51 PM
Keel of a 3,400 TEU Container Ship Laid at TKMS Blohm + Voss Nordseewerke
On October 7 the keel of the third container ship of the newly developed series of 3,400 TEU container ships was laid at TKMS Blohm + Voss Nordseewerke – a company of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. According to old custom, coins were nailed onto a block of timber supporting the keel by representatives of the shipping line and the yard. Thereupon, the first double-bottom section weighing 245 tons was placed onto the timber. This ceremony and the christening of the ship when it is launched are to bless the ship and all who sail in her.
The ship with yard number 558 will be built for the shipping line Hartmann in Leer. The ship is scheduled to be launched in January 2009 and delivery is planned for the end of April 2009. This is the third 3,400 TEU container ship of which the keel has been laid in Emden. In 2009, another ship of this size will be built for the shipping line Hartmann.
The container ship will be built in compliance with the rules and regulations of Germanischer Lloyd.
Main characteristics:
Length overall approx. 228.50 m
Length between perpendiculars 218.22 m
Moulded breadth 32.22 m
Moulded depth 18.55 m
Strength draught 12.00 m
Design draught 10.50 m
Deadweight (D=12.00 m) 42,600 t
Container capacity 3,426 TEU
Reefer connections 500
Service speed (90 % MCR) 23.3 kts
Propulsion (100 % MCR) 28,880 kW at 104 rpm