Company News May 19, 2004 2:00 AM
International Rowing Regatta in Duisburg
The highpoint of the biennial International Wedau Regatta will once again be the eights race for the ThyssenKrupp Cup on May 23, 2004. The 8.5 kilogram stainless steel trophy will be presented this year by Ralph Labonte, member of the Executive Board of ThyssenKrupp AG. The Cup was donated in 1991 to mark the centenary of Thyssen.
This year world-ranking eights will once again be lining up: Joining the German squad are world champions Canada along with crews from France, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands and Romania.
Starting at 2.00 p.m., the Regatta will be attended by some 1,500 rowers from all over the world. The eights race gets under way at 3.20 p.m. and will be broadcast on national German television (ARD and ZDF). At 5.00 p.m. the 2004 Uni Cup Ruhr donated by Initiativkreis Ruhrgebiet is under starter`s orders. Fours from the Ruhr University Bochum, Dortmund University, Duisburg/Essen University and the private University of Witten-Herdecke will race over 500 meters. This is followed by the 500 meter university eights race, with competing squads from the Ruhr University, the key ThyssenKrupp universities, Cambridge University, Milan University, ETH Zurich University and Breslau University. Once again hundreds of students from the Ruhr are expected to attend the university races.
Klaus Pepperhoff
Corporate Press Office
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