Company News Jan 20, 2020 10:30 AM
Global recognition for climate strategy: thyssenkrupp named as global leader in climate protection
thyssenkrupp’s climate protection efforts continue to receive global recognition: For the fourth time in a row the non-profit organization CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) has named thyssenkrupp as a global leader in climate protection.
The Essen-based group is one of 179 international businesses on CDP’s global
“A list”. A total of 8,400 businesses took part in the assessment and were ranked on a scale from A for top performers to F. The program assesses whether companies have fulfilled climate data transparency requirements and formulated a coherent strategy on how to further improve their own environmental performance as well as that of customers and suppliers.
The information disclosed through CDP is becoming increasingly important also for investors. Demand for sustainable investment opportunities currently outstrips supply many times over. For several years now, global asset managers have recognized climate change as one of the three biggest global risks.
CDP carries out its annual assessment on behalf of over 500 investors with assets of more than 96 trillion US dollars. The organization has the world’s largest collection of corporate climate data which is recognized as a benchmark by the capital markets.
Martina Merz, CEO of thyssenkrupp AG: “Our ranking confirms that we are on the right track to systematically reduce our carbon footprint in production and with our products. We see climate protection not just as an obligation but as an opportunity for new business.”
Under its climate strategy, thyssenkrupp aims to be climate-neutral by 2050, not only in its own processes and the energy it purchases but also based on its products’ emissions. As early as 2030 the Group plans to cut emissions from production and outsourced energy by around 30 percent. Emissions from the use of thyssenkrupp products are to fall by 16 percent by 2030.
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) approved thyssenkrupp’s climate targets in summer 2019, at the same time confirming that thyssenkrupp was acting in line with the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference.