Company News Nov 15, 2001 1:00 AM
German industry plans international business school in Germany
Representatives of German business met yesterday at the invitation of Dr. Rolf-E. Breuer (Deutsche Bank), Ulrich Hartmann (E.ON), Jürgen E. Schrempp (DaimlerChrysler) and Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle (Allianz) to discuss setting up an international business school in Germany. The school will provide management education and development in a European context and provide a high-class institution for MBA programs, management seminars and specialized conferences. It will also cooperate closely with universities. In particular, the business school will serve as a center of excellence for issues relating to corporate governance and market opportunities for new technologies. In this context, the non-profit Hertie Foundation is planning to set up an institute for European integration issues.
The participants at the meeting requested Dr. Gerhard Cromme, chairman of the ThyssenKrupp Supervisory Board, to coordinate further preparations.
Dr. Jürgen Claassen, Corporate Communication
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