Products and solutions Jan 17, 2003 1:00 AM
GEFA is letting Triaton do the computing
These days, many banks see IT outsourcing as an opportunity to lower their costs. This is also the case with the "GEFA Gesellschaft für Absatzfinanzierung mbH" (sales financing company) and GEFA-Leasing GmbH, headquartered in Wuppertal. The two affiliated companies, former subsidiaries of the Deutsche Bank AG, now a part of the Société Générale Vendor Services group, are leading specialists in financing sales and investments related to mobile economic goods. GEFA`s entire computer center operations have been in the hands of Triaton, the ThyssenKrupp corporate group`s IT service provider, since October 2002. The financial institution from Wuppertal is outsourcing not only the IT systems that are being used to process its core business in the credit and leasing areas, but also its SAP operations. The complex IT landscape comprises of closely intermeshed client/server solutions and host applications. Preparations for the migration from the Deutsche Bank`s computer center to Triaton`s hosting center took only five months. Objective in the course of the transfer was to model more efficient business processes and make operations more economical.
Outsourcing with added value
The migration project with Triaton ran absolutely according to plan. Michael Quint, Division Head Information Technology Services at GEFA and responsible for the migration project, in retrospect: "Triaton already proved to be a reliable partner in the bidding phase and continued its `due diligence` subsequently as well. Working with the highly competent and experienced consultant Dr. Michael Rudolphi, Bad Vilbel, we selected the right service provider, put the precise services needed on a sound contractual basis and realized the project exactly within the targeted time and cost framework."
Positive effect for GEFA: Thanks to the migration, improvement potentials of a considerable magnitude have been tapped. A distinct improvement in quality has been achieved as a result of the high service standards laid down for availability, response times as well as in the areas of problem and change management. Further optimization potentials have been identified, some of which are already planned for realization.
Outsourcing with high security
Triaton provides the required infrastructure and ensures that adequate bandwidth and redundant routes are always available for data communication between the locations used for GEFA`s computer center operations. Safeguarding includes contingency plans in case of an emergency as well as sophisticated access protection. The computer centers are monitored by a security center which operates in 7 x 24 mode. In addition, Triaton was required to ensure that the computer centers` and network`s security mechanisms are always kept up-to-date with the latest security technology as well as in compliance with the security requirements of the "Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht" (financial services regulatory agency, short "BaFin").
"We have a high level of integration between all applications. As a result, there are highly sensitive interdependencies that react quickly to the unavailability of individual IT systems. The weakest link in the chain determines the dependability of our data processing", explains Michael Quint. That`s why high availability and a perfected, documented security concept is very important to GEFA.
Triaton - The BusinessProcessor
The Triaton GmbH, headquartered in Krefeld, is a company of the ThyssenKrupp Serv group. Triaton is among the leading international IT service providers. The company is active worldwide and has circa 2,200 employees domestically and abroad. The company generated around 360 million euro in revenues in the fiscal year 2000/01.
The company offers its customers solutions in the sense of one-stop shopping: solutions to globalize their processes, eBusiness solutions for their core business processes and outsourcing services for their secondary business processes. Solutions such as business intelligence, customer relationship management (CRM), document management, enterprise application integration (EAI), EDI/Web-EDI, eSales, eProcurement, portals, enterprise resource planning (ERP) as well as supply chain management (SCM) belong to its service portfolio. With over 500 operated systems, the company is one of Europe`s largest SAP R/3 service providers.
Dieter Remy
Phone: +49-211-967 5374
Fax: +49-211-967 5345