Products and solutions Mar 20, 2000 1:00 AM
Elevators segment: Successful start to the year 2000 for Thyssen Aufzüge
In the first quarter of 2000, Thyssen Aufzüge GmbH has received three major orders worth a total of more than 30 million marks for elevators and vertical lifts to be installed in a residential and office building in Munich, at the new Tel Aviv airport and in Volkswagen's "transparent manufacturing facility" in Dresden.
At the end of January Remu Grundstücksverwaltung GmbH placed an order for 32 elevators for a residential and office complex it is building in Munich near the Olympic park. The project includes a high-rise tower and four other office buildings. Two fire service elevators with 36 and 37 stops along with one group of four elevators and one of six are being supplied for the high-rise building. The fire service elevators cover a rise of 147 meters at a speed of 3 meters per second. The two groups of four and six passenger elevators are high-speed units with frequency-controlled drives and speeds of five and six meters per second, respectively. The remaining elevators will be installed in the four other office buildings. Thyssen Aufzüge GmbH's escalators unit is supplying four escalators for the same project. Construction work on the building complex is scheduled to start in the second quarter of this year.
A further order was placed in January to equip the new Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Thyssen Aufzüge is supplying 23 hydraulic elevators and 28 traction elevators for the new airport, which is being built directly next to the old one. 18 of the traction elevators have individual load capacities of six tonnes, allowing them to transport passengers with baggage trolleys comfortably and reliably. The new airport is due for completion in mid-2002.
The company's latest order is from the German city of Dresden, where seven passenger elevators and 13 vertical lifts are to be supplied for the "Gläserne Manufaktur", a fully transparent manufacturing facility being erected by the Volkswagen group. The vertical lifts are designed as hydraulic elevator cars without walls or ceilings. These platforms will transport body and chassis parts as well as materials containers. The vertical lifts are scheduled to start operation at the end of July, followed in August and September by the passenger elevators.