Company News Mar 5, 2003 1:00 AM
Climate fund finalized: Joint press release by ThyssenKrupp Stahl and the City of Duisburg
Duisburg `KlimaTisch` to get 4 million euros
The Mayoress of Duisburg Bärbel Zieling and Dr. Karl-Ulrich Köhler, Executive Board Chairman of ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG, have signed an agreement in the presence of North Rhine-Westphalia environment minister Bärbel Höhn concerning the establishment of a climate fund.
Under the agreement, ThyssenKrupp Stahl will support the Duisburg `KlimaTisch` climate fund with a sum of 4 million euros. It comprises two elements, a cash donation and a donation in kind. The company is thus fulfilling the promise of support it made to the NRW environment ministry and the City of Duisburg in April 2001.
・ On April 15, 2003 the company will transfer a sum of 2 million euros to the fund. These monies are tied to a specific purpose and are to be used to fund measures to reduce energy consumption under the auspices of the City of Duisburg. Half of the amount is reserved for projects in the north of Duisburg.
・ The second element is the provision by ThyssenKrupp Stahl of Solartec® photovoltaic roof and facade elements worth 2 million euros produced by subsidiary company ThyssenKrupp Bausysteme. These high-tech photovoltaic elements based on sheet steel profiles can be integrated harmoniously in buildings and facades and offer up to 20% higher energy efficiency than conventional solar modules thanks to the use of innovative thin-film solar cells. This donation, too, is to be used for climate protection purposes in projects serving the general community. The projects will be chosen by the City of Duisburg and the details coordinated with ThyssenKrupp Stahl.
Dr. Karl-Ulrich Köhler, Executive Board Chairman of ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG, commented: "Our donation to the climate fund demonstrates once again that we as a corporate citizen of Duisburg accept and have long practiced responsibility in connection with climate protection. We regard reducing emissions classed as climate-relevant as an important task."
Mayoress Bärbel Zieling welcomes the positive effects the agreement will have on climate protection and on urban development in Duisburg: "In the next ten years, it will be possible to enhance and upgrade 1,900 dwelling units. This will secure orders and jobs for Duisburg`s tradespeople, architects and engineers."
ThyssenKrupp Steel AG
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