Products and solutions Mar 20, 2000 1:00 AM
Automotive segment: New structure for Krupp Gerlach
Krupp Gerlach in Homburg, Germany has restructured its activities in the framework of the ThyssenKrupp merger. In 2000 the Homburg forge will discontinue production of steering knuckles to concentrate on crankshafts, connecting rods and rails for common rail fuel injection systems.
In addition, crankshaft maker Darcast Components Ltd. of Birmingham, UK, and the passenger car crankshaft forging and machining facility in Remscheid, Germany, have also been allocated to Krupp Gerlach GmbH. Darcast and the Remscheid plant previously belonged to Thyssen Umformtechnik + Guss GmbH.
As a result, the Gerlach group now has the following annual capacities in Europe and the USA:
・ Forging: 220,000 tonnes for crankshafts, connecting rods and rails ・ Casting: 45,000 tonnes for car and light truck crankshafts ・ Machining: 320,000 commercial vehicle crankshafts