Company News Nov 27, 2006 10:00 AM
Architectural competition for the ThyssenKrupp Quarter in Essen successfully completed
The ThyssenKrupp Group has successfully completed the open international two-phase architectural competition for the ThyssenKrupp Quarter in Essen. The winners were chosen during the deciding two-day panel meeting last week at the Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen.
Headed by Kaspar Kraemer, President of the BDA Association of German Architects, the panel of high-caliber judges unanimously selected the following five winners. The panel was made up of representatives of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the municipality of Essen, internationally renowned experts and representatives of the client, ThyssenKrupp AG.
1. Chaix & Morel et Associés, Paris / JSWD Architekten und Planer, Cologne
2. Architekten Brüning Klapp Rein, Essen
3. Zaha Hadid Architects, London
3. Manfred Nagel mit DHBT, Kiel
5. KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten, Frankfurt
The winner receives 100,000 euros. The total prize money was 300,000 euros. In addition there were fees of 275,000 euros.
Following in-depth discussion and deliberation, the judges awarded first place to the design submitted by architects Chaix & Morel et Associés, Paris / JSWD Architekten und Planer, Cologne.
In announcing the winner, the panel commented: "The outstanding interior and exterior qualities, which are based on the urban planning of the design, raise it well above the standard of the other works. The staggering of the built-up and non-built-up areas is recognized as a major quality which will permit integration of all building locations on the campus with their direct free spaces as well as with the central boulevard A familiar urban structure is given its own address as an urban experience space by the generous water axis and the building for the ThyssenKrupp headquarters. The ensemble, through the distinctive form of the headquarters, will be a landmark of appropriate scale in the center - as a reflection and expression of ThyssenKrupp. In summary, this design has the necessary strengths to form the basis of an outstanding architectural scheme symbolizing the innovativeness of a global player."
The runners-up were architects Brüning Klapp Rein, Essen. Of this design the judges said: "Altogether a clear and easily read overall concept is proposed which both strengthens the desired campus idea and successfully integrates the existing cross building and the multi-function building."
Joint third prizes were awarded to: Zaha Hadid Architects, London and Manfred Nagel with DHBT, Kiel.
Fifth prize went to architects KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten, Frankfurt.
The client, ThyssenKrupp AG, was impressed with the variety and high quality of the work. The outstanding designs are now being reviewed in detail for compliance with the Group's diverse requirements.
The unusual and ambitious project is based on a demanding timetable. The first phase of construction is scheduled for completion at the end of 2008, the second phase for autumn 2010. The implementation planning will therefore begin in early 2007.
To allow not only employees but also the general public to see the full range of entries in the architectural competition, ThyssenKrupp has organized an exhibition at the Zollverein School of Management and Design.
From November 27 to December 22, 2006 all works, models and designs entered in the first and second phases of the competition will be on display at the design school.
The exhibition is open daily from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at weekends.