Company News Apr 23, 2001 2:00 AM
A full program at Hanover Fair 2001
In the spotlight: Steel from ThyssenKrupp Steel
From April 23 to 28 ThyssenKrupp Steel will be at Hanover Fair with its own booth in hall 4 (booth F 42) and will be presenting itself in a completely new and attractive design. The theme of the presentation is "The Potential of Steel - Tailored Solutions with Steel for Tomorrow`s World". The company has lined up an informative and entertaining program for visitors to the show. A 1,000 square meter display in the fair`s Technology Center will feature numerous innovative products underlining steel`s capabilities as a high-tech material for application-oriented solutions for the automobile, construction and appliance industries. Events, panel discussions and a specially designed visitor competition round off the program.
Audience-based events are a central element of the presentation. The first day of the show begins at 12.00 noon with a press conference at which Executive Board Vice Chairmen Dr. Helmut G. Hadrys (also Executive Board Chairman Krupp Thyssen Stainless) and Dr. Wolfgang Kohler (also Executive Board Chairman ThyssenKrupp Stahl) will brief media representatives about the performance of Thyssen Krupp Steel AG and the program in Hanover.
At 2.30 p.m. there will be a public discussion chaired by ZDF anchorman Klaus Bresser during which high-profile guests will debate the theme "Focus on steel - old economy with a future?". As well as Dr. Wolfgang Kohler and Dr. Helmut G. Hadrys, the panel will include NRW Minister for Labor and Social Affairs Harald Schartau, BDI Chief Executive Dr. Ludolf von Wartenberg, Prof. Dr. Günter Siebert, President of the Kieler Weltwirtschaftsinstitut as well as other experts.
Tuesday is the traditional Steel Customer Day, hosts are Dr. Jost A. Massenberg, Member of the Executive Board Sales ThyssenKrupp Stahl and Jürgen H. Fechter, Chairman of the Executive Board Krupp Thyssen Nirosta. This is followed on the third day of the show by a customer presentation and discussion on the topic of e-commerce and modern customer communications.
Thursday afternoon sees another panel discussion, open to all visitors to the show: From 4.00 p.m. TV celebrity Ranga Yogeshwar will chair a debate entitled "Material with a future - Innovations for the 21st century". The panel this time includes Dr. Karl-Ulrich Köhler, Director Operations TKS, Dr. Jörg Beindorf, Executive Board Member Krupp Thyssen Nirosta, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Bleck of Aachen university, Prof. Dr. Hufenbach, Dresden university and Dr. Jutta Klöwer, winner of the 2000 Steel Innovation Prize and a researcher at Krupp VDM.
The theme on the penultimate day of the show is Steel and Art. Visitors can talk to sculptors Wolfgang Lamché, Barbara Szüts and Sebastian Wien about their steel works on display.
Saturday is careers day with a presentation entitled "Go for HighTech". Young potentials are invited to get to know ThyssenKrupp Steel and get advice on what opportunities the company offers.
Duisburg, April 17, 2001