Company News May 16, 2006 1:01 PM
"Discover technology. Shape the future."
Over four days and a total of 24 stages, the Ideas Park Relay 2006 will take 150 ThyssenKrupp runners over a distance of 240 kilometers through two federal states, numerous districts and 26 cities. On Tuesday, May 16, 2006, Dr. Ekkehard Schulz, Executive Board chairman of ThyssenKrupp AG, and Jürgen Rüttgers, state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, gave starters orders to the first Ideas Park relay team. The run will link North Rhine-Westphalia, where the first Ideas Park took place in 2004, with Lower Saxony, where this year's Ideas Park is being held. The finishing line will be at the Expo site in Hanover on Saturday, May 20, 2006.
Germany needs people to actively shape the future. That is why ThyssenKrupp launched the "Discovering future technology" initiative, a platform for dialogue between partners from the worlds of science, society, business and the media. The initiative is intended to promote a dialogue on the subject of technology across all areas of society and age groups. Above all it aims to address young people - the innovators and "engineers of the future" - for it is they who now have the opportunity to shape the future, both their own and ours.
The previous highlight of the "Discovering future technology" initiative was the Ideas Park 2004 in Gelsenkirchen, which attracted more than 60,000 visitors. ThyssenKrupp is continuing the initiative this year, and the Ideas Park 2006 will take place from May 20-28 at the Expo site in Hanover. By way of a symbolic link between the venues and states of the Ideas Park, ThyssenKrupp is staging a relay run between North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony.
The Ideas Park 2006
The Ideas Park 2006 is being held at the Expo site in Hanover from May 20 to 28, 2006. True to the motto "Discover technology. Shape the future", ThyssenKrupp in conjunction with the state of Lower Saxony and more than 50 partners will be showing how innovations are created. Numerous examples from the areas of "Mobility", "Life and Environment" and "Creativity" will provide a fun insight into the world of innovation. The technology experience is rounded off by an open-air stage with daily science shows, theatrical presentations and attractions for young and old.
The program of events for each day and the full week along with all the latest information on the Ideas Park 2006 in Hanover is available on the internet at Admission to the Ideas Park 2006 is free.