Company News Oct 1, 2010 12:00 PM
“Breathe fresh air into science!” Start of 46th Jugend forscht young scientists competition
The 46th Jugend forscht young scientists competition has been launched under the motto “Breathe new life into science!”. Youngsters interested in science, mathematics and technology can once again take part in Germany’s best known competition for young scientists. Schoolchildren, apprentices and students are invited to explore, invent and experiment in the 46th edition of the competition.
“Particularly in times of crisis it is important to invest in education and research,” says German interior minister Annette Schavan, who is also chairwoman of the board of trustees of Stiftung Jugend forscht e.V. “For the future of Germany as a place of business and science it is essential to find and develop more young talent than we have in the past. Jugend forscht is without doubt one of the most effective means of developing young talent in Germany.”
You don’t have to be a second Einstein to take part. However it is important that the young researchers should be curious and creative and accept the challenge of working scientifically. Our society needs young people who love to explore, experiment and invent. In Jugend forscht they can discover their inner potential. And who knows? From small beginnings could come great things – to breathe fresh air into science.
Young people aged up to 21 can enter Jugend forscht. Younger school pupils who want to take part must be in at least year 4 of school in the year they register. University students may only register in the first year of their course. Both individuals and teams of two or three are eligible to take part. The final date for registration is November 30, 2010. There are no specified tasks in Jugend forscht. Entrants choose their topic themselves. However it must involve one of the seven specialist areas: working world, biology, chemistry, geography and regional sciences, mathematics/computer science, physics or technology.
One of many local heats of the competition takes place at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG in Duisburg (contact: Ursula Schumacher-Schreiter, telephone: 0203-52-2 51 57; e-mail: on February 16, 2011.
To register on the internet, all that is needed initially is the topic and a brief description of the project. Entrants have until January 2011 to submit a written paper. Local heats will then be held across the country from February. The winners go through to state-level heats in March. The winners of the state competitions qualify for the national final in May. Cash, non-cash and special prizes worth over 800,000 euros can be won in each round.
Entry conditions, the form for online registration, further information and the current poster can be downloaded at
Press contact:
Stiftung Jugend forscht e. V., Dr. Daniel Giese, Baumwall 5, 20459 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 374709-40, Fax: 040 374709-99, e-mail:
This press release is also available on the internet at