Analyst recommendations
Based on an internal database, we provide an up-to-date overview of our analysts' investment recommendations.
Overview of current recommendations *
* Reporting period: 12 months
As of: November 8th, 2024
The following chart shows the analyst recommendations toward the thyssenkrupp stock over the longer term *
* Reporting period: since 2019
As of: November 8th, 2024
The investment recommendations shown above are not based on analyses by thyssenkrupp AG but on analyses, reports, recommendations or ratings of third parties, particularly equity research analysts. References to such recommendations and ratings are for informational purposes only and do not imply that thyssenkrupp AG adopts, supports or confirms in any way the recommendations, opinions or conclusions of the equity research analysts. thyssenkrupp AG accepts no liability for the selection, currency, completeness or correctness of the recommendations and estimates shown. None of the information on this website is to be construed as an offer or encouragement to buy thyssenkrupp shares, a recommendation to make a particular investment or a suggestion or recommendation to follow a particular investment strategy. thyssenkrupp AG accepts no liability for damages or losses incurred by third parties based on information published on this website.