Environmental and Energy Management
thyssenkrupp attaches great importance to climate and environmental protection, and energy efficiency – at all levels of the value chain, from upstream supply chains to internal production and manufacturing processes through to our products. With our solutions we want to contribute to satisfying rising global demand for goods and services in a resource-efficient way. Climate and environmental protection are therefore a core component of our sustainability approach and thus our corporate strategy - and also a basis for sustainable success in our markets.
thyssenkrupp's environmental, climate and energy management is based on thyssenkrupp's environmental and energy policy and a corresponding Group Regulation. Clear requirements have been formulated on the areas of energy efficiency, energy management and environmental management. Our contribution to energy efficiency is part of the non-financial targets (NFT) and among other things represents an important lever for achieving our climate targets. The implementation is supported by internal committees and local training. The internal and external exchange of experience at various levels, e.g. at environmental, climate and energy conferences or within industry initiatives, also contribute to the success of the implementation of our programs and measures.
Environmental management at our sites
Our environmental, climate and energy management systems are based on the group’s global environmental and energy policy and a corresponding group regulation. This regulation requires all companies with environmentally relevant activities, for example, because they operate plants that are subject to environmental permits, to implement and maintain an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001. With aid of certified environmental management systems, we are continuously improving the environmental performance of our sites by fulfilling our ambitious environmental targets. Throughout the lifecycle of our products and processes, we raise efficiency in the use of resources and minimize harmful emissions. We are aware of our ecological and social responsibility. Our binding obligations include both compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and respecting environmentally relevant due diligence obligations.
Activities regarded as environmentally relevant are defined in our group regulation. Since fiscal year 2019 / 2020 all environmentally relevant companies within the meaning of this regulation have had an environmental management system certified in accordance with ISO 14001. In the reporting period around 74% of thyssenkrupp sites – in terms of the total workforce – had an environmental management system that was implemented and certified in accordance with ISO 14001.1)

Continuous improvements in energy efficiency and energy management
thyssenkrupp's energy consumption came to around 69 terawatt hours (TWh) in the fiscal 2023 / 2024.
Energy efficiency plays an important role at thyssenkrupp. For nine years, the global Groupwide Energy Efficiency Program (GEEP) has included measures such as process optimizations, better use of waste heat and, the replacement of plant components and lighting systems.
In the reporting year we set ourselves the target of increasing energy efficiency in the group by 205 GWh. We significantly exceeded this target with an improvement of around 360 GWh. Taking into account, the specific emissions of each energy source, these efficiency gains add up the avoidance of around 100,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The target for fiscal year 2024 / 2025 is to achieve further efficiency gains of at least 125 GWh. Since fiscal year 2019 / 2020 all companies with environmentally relevant activities have implemented an energy management system and had it externally certified in accordance with ISO 50001. Among other things this includes setting specific energy targets for each relevant company, measuring energy consumption and optimizing organizational and technical processes. In terms of groupwide energy consumption this means around 99% of energy management activities at thyssenkrupp meet the ISO 50001 standard in fiscal year 2023 / 2024.1)
1) This information is not a definition of thyssenkrupp's management systems. The current scope of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certified sites and specific information about expectation and needs of interested parties is available on request: sustainability@thyssenkrupp.com
Key environmental and climate data
Company-wide performance indicators and data on environmental and climate protection are used to assess opportunities and risks and serve as an instrument for global environmental, energy, and climate management.
The indicators include all fully consolidated companies. Since these indicators are only determined at year-end, they refer to the scope of consolidation as of this date. The figures include the 50 percent share in Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann under IFRS rules.
CO2 emissions are calculated using the GHG Protocol methodology. The emissions are calculated on the basis of energy consumption and process emissions applying generally accepted Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission factors among others from IPCC, IEA and certified own measurements. For Scope 2 emissions the location-based approach has been applied using emission grid factors. Greenhouse gas emissions are reported on a portfolio-adjusted basis in accordance with the financial control approach of the GHG Protocol.
The annual changes in absolute values may vary due to different production levels and are therefore not a direct reflection of environmental performance.
The fiscal year commences on 1st October and ends on 30th September.