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The merger of the Thyssen and Krupp steel operations at September 1, 1997 was clearly displayed on the head office of the new company.

The merger of the Thyssen and Krupp steel operations at September 1, 1997 was clearly displayed on the head office of the new company.

As early as the 1980s negotiations are conducted on a merger of Thyssen Stahl AG and Krupp Stahl AG. Although the proposed alliance cannot be realized in 1983, the two companies cooperate closely in selected Business Areas. In 1997 the two groups’ flat steel activities are combined to form Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG.

In August 1997 Thyssen and Krupp hold talks on expanding their cooperation. They identify immense potential for strategic development and operating synergies in a full merger. This then takes place on March 17, 1999, when Thyssen Krupp AG is entered in the Commercial Register.